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Brownsville North Carolina

**WEB Brownsville Mentioned in Book Series and TV Show** In a recent episode of Outlander, the small hamlet of WEB Brownsville, North Carolina, was mentioned. This has sparked interest in the real-life location and its connection to the fictional Fraser's Ridge. **Location and History of WEB Brownsville** WEB Brownsville is a hamlet in Western North Carolina, nestled near the Great Balsam Mountains. It was founded by Richard Brown and his brother and served as a county seat from 1833 to 1927. The hamlet is approximately 40 miles from the fictional Fraser's Ridge. **Connection to Fraser's Ridge** While the exact location of Fraser's Ridge is unknown, author Diana Gabaldon has speculated that it may lie within 10 miles of Blowing Rock or Boone, North Carolina. This would place it in close proximity to WEB Brownsville. **Uniqueness of Brownsville Name** Within North Carolina, the name Brownsville is unique. However, there are 57 other communities with the same name scattered across the United States and Canada. **Conclusion** The mention of WEB Brownsville in Outlander has brought renewed attention to this historic hamlet. While its connection to Fraser's Ridge remains speculative, it adds an intriguing element to the rich tapestry of the Outlander universe.
